Shipping Policy
Orders are processed in order of receipt and are shipped out within 7-15 business days. However, in some cases (especially during holidays and for more complicated designs), it may take up to 4 weeks. You will receive an email with tracking information when your order is shipped. Please only contact us if you have not received your tracking information after 2 weeks from your order date.
All orders are shipped under standard shipping, and will arrive within 5-14 days depending on destinations. We no longer offer expedited shipping as we’ve experienced delays with both USPS and UPS in the past, for which the blame came back to us. As such, please place your order well in advanced during peak times like holidays.
Most packages are shipped via USPS. Once we drop off your package, we have no control over USPS’ processing time of your package. Please be patient and wait for USPS to make the delivery. You can also contact your local USPS office or give USPS a call with the tracking number we provided to check on the status of your package.
In the unlikely event that your tracking number indicates that the package is already delivered, but you do not receive your package, please check the following before contacting us.
- Your shipping address entered when placing the order – you may have entered a wrong address (i.e. different digit in the street number, street name, etc.). If this is the case, there are 2 possible scenarios:
- The “wrong” address does not exist, so your package was returned to us. In this case, as a courtesy, we will reship your package to your correct address one more time for free of charge.
- The “wrong” address exists, and USPS made the delivery. We recommend checking on the “wrong” address and see if the “wrong” recipient has received your package. Since the package is marked as delivered, either USPS or we cannot retrieve it. The “wrong” recipient can refuse the package and has it returned to the sender (us). However, we cannot guarantee that they will do this, so you will need to help us contact them to retrieve your package. If the package eventually got returned to us, we will reship it to you one more time for free of charge.
- Your surrounding and neighbors – please check the surrounding of your house if the package was marked as delivered to front porch. Please also check with your neighbors and your neighborhood in case it was delivered to the wrong adjacent house or mailbox.
If you have checked the above and still not able to locate your package, please email us no longer than 3 days from the delivery date stated on your tracking. We will investigate into the issue and get back to you.
Shipping is currently available to only places within the United States. We are working on expanding to other countries soon.